迪埃拉外语学社T F L I发表时间:2020-02-18 13:44 迪埃拉外语学社Tierra Foreign Language Institute 迪埃拉外语学社是国家知识产权局审定,由资深英语教授吴淳先生所创办。 Tierra Foreign Language Institute is approved by the State Intellectual Property Office and founded by Mr. Wu Chun who is a senior English professor. 吴淳先生从事高校外语教研四十余载。为国家和社会培养了一代代人才,积累了丰富外语教学经验。 Mr. Wu Chun has been engaged in the foreign language teaching and researching for more than 40 years at university. He has trained the generations of talents for the country and society, and has accumulated the rich foreign language teaching experience. 非常感谢各位学子们对迪埃拉外语学社教学信任和选择。我们愿为您提供最优质外语教学环境和增值外语语言服务。让每位学子得到各语种标准规范语音学习,接受更系统外语语言专业技能培训,培养外语各语种语言学习技能和技巧。为每位学员打下一个牢固坚实的听说读写各语种语言学习基础。 Thanking for your confidence and choice in the teaching of Tierra Foreign Language Institute. We are willing to provide you with the best foreign language teaching environment and the value-added foreign language services. Let every student get standard phonetics learning of each language, receiving more systematic training of foreign language professional skills, and cultivating the foreign language learning skills. In order to each student to lay a solid foundation for the language learning in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 迪埃拉外语学社,包括英语,西班牙语,德语,俄语,意大利语,葡萄牙语和法语语言教学和学习。根据不同层次学习,采用相应层次各种语种教材(各语种学习教材均由本社编写)。小班授课。 Tierra Foreign Language Institute, including English, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and French language teaching and learning. According to the different levels of learning, the corresponding levels of various language teaching materials (The language learning materials are compiled by our society).Our lessons are taught in small classes. 我们願以最大努力,最温馨教学环境,最有实力教学团队,最有成效学社教材,与国际接轨教育理念惠益学子,以圆满成绩馈赠大家,回报社会。 We are willing to make the greatest efforts, the warmest teaching environment, the most powerful teaching team, the most effective school textbooks, and benefit students with international educational concepts, to give you a satisfactory result, in return for society. 迪埃拉外语学社团队 The team of Tierra Foreign Language Society 吴淳教授 澳大利亚墨尔本维多利亚商学院教授 吴昊(Fernando) 海外留学拉美八年 英语西班牙语本科硕研 刘 元 山东大学法学硕士 大学教师 律师 孙菡 德籍华人。德国美因兹大学 Eddy Lu(路艾迪) 美籍。McGill Univercity 美国西雅图Software Engineer Derek Lu(路德克) 加拿大籍。McMaster University 乔迪 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 王寅雪 法国保罗瓦莱希大学 迪埃拉外语学社地址: 山东省济南市印象城聚隆广场5号公寓楼1007室1008室 联系电话:13287719816/15806615769 |