卢塞恩人文畅曲Lucerne's Humanistic Fantasia发表时间:2020-03-11 16:18 卢塞恩人文畅曲Lucerne's Humanistic Fantasia 吴昊 Hao Wu(英汉双语) 卢塞恩(琉森)是个湖光山色相互映衬美丽城市。早在罗马时期,它还是一个几户人家的渔村,后来,为了给过往的船只导航而修建了一个灯塔,因此得名"琉森",拉丁文便是"灯"的意思。1178年正式建市。 Lucerne is a beautiful city with lakes and mountains. As early as in Roman times, it wasonly a fishing village of several families. Later, a lighthouse was built to navigate past boats. So it was named "Ryusen". Latin means "lamp". The city was officially established in 1178 . 卢塞恩是琉森州的首府,位于瑞士中部,罗伊斯河出口与四州湖的汇合处,市区人口接近8万人。卢塞恩属于瑞士德语区。在多语言的瑞士,卢塞恩号称是瑞士最美丽、最理想的旅游城市,是最受瑞士人喜爱的度假地。也是座历史文化名城,艺术家们在此得到了不尽的灵感。历史上,许多著名作家在此居住和写作。 Lucerne is the capital of Ryusen, Being located in central of Switzerland, where the outlet of the Royce River meets the lakes of four states. The urban population is close to 80,000. Lucerne belongs to the German-speaking region of Switzerland. In multilingual Switzerland, Lucerne is known as Switzerland's most beautiful and the ideal tourist city, and the most popular resort for Swiss people. It is also a famous historical and cultural city, where artists have received endless inspiration. Historically, many famous writers had lived and wrote here. 卡佩尔桥是琉森的重要标志,它长约200米,横跨罗伊斯河,它的造型很奇特,不是一座垂直的桥,沿着桥上走,要过两个小的转弯。桥身近中央的地方还有一个八角型的水塔,约34米高。此塔大部分建在水中的礁石上。 Capel Bridge is an important symbol of Ryusen. It is about 200 meters long and spans the Royce River. Its shape is very strange. It is not a vertical bridge. Walking along the bridge requires two small turns. Near the center of the bridge is an octagonal water tower, about 34 meters high. Most of the tower is built on reefs in the water. 据资料介绍,该塔有1300年的历史。此塔是城市防卫设施的一部分,也是当年的瞭望哨所。据说在古代战时,此塔还是军队安放战利品及珠宝的地方。由于此塔身在河中,独特水上位置被当时统治者用作过监狱及行刑室。水塔的设计与桥是一个伫立,一个横卧,构成了水塔和花桥的美景。 According to the historical materials , the tower has been built 1300 years. This tower is part of the city's defense facilities, the observation post ,too. It is said that in ancient wartime, this pagoda was also the place where the army laid trophies and jewelry. Because of its unique position in the river, the tower was used as a prison and execution room by the rulers at that time. The design of water tower and bridge that one is stand,the other is horizontal,have been constituted the beauty of water tower and flower bridge. 漫步在卡佩尔桥,只见木质的屋顶呈三角形,柱子立在水中。桥顶的横木上都刻绘了古画,前后总数有一百多幅,每幅画下有一首古德文的题诗,每幅画的内容多为历史风貌和琉森历史上的英雄人物的故事,还有瑞士联邦政府和琉森的建城历史。 Walking along the Capel Bridge, we can see that the wooden roof is triangular and the pillars are standing in the water. Ancient paintings are carved on the crosswood on the top of the bridge. There are more than 100 paintings, each with an inscription in ancient German. The contents of each painting are mostly historical features and stories of heroes in Ryusen's history, as well as the history of the Swiss Federal Government and Ryusen's city-building.
然尔此桥也是多灾多难。1993年8月17日,一场大火吞噬了木桥的大部分建筑,等到灭火后,整座桥已经烧得不成样子,留下完整木头的没有多少,只剩水塔未被破坏。所以如今的桥是通过仿古重新修补后完整建造的,廊桥顶上有许多地方,新旧的粗木头相接,痕迹清晰可见。 However, this bridge is also a disaster-prone one. On August 17, 1993, a fire had engulfed the wooden bridge mostly. By the time, the fire was put out, the whole bridge had been burnt out of shape,only leaving few intact wood, and only the water tower remained unspoiled. So today's bridges are built entirely after being repaired in imitation of the ancients. There are many places on the top of the bridges. The old and new rough wood are joined together, and the traces are clearly visible. 站在卡佩尔廊桥的窗口边,一抬头就能看见与桥一侧的巍峨险峻的皮拉图斯山。皮拉图斯山是琉森的门户和地标,那里有专程登高的有齿轮的轨道列车送游客上山。 Standing at the window of Capel Corridor Bridge, you can see the majestic Pilatus Mountains on the side of the bridge as soon as you look up. Mount Pilatus is the gateway and landmark of Ryusen, where there are geared railroad trains dedicated to climbing the mountain for tourists. 在塔楼上,还有一口最古老的城市钟,是在1535年建造的。 On the tower, there is also one of the oldest city clocks, which was built in 1535. 站在桥上眺望,著名的耶稣教堂隔着罗伊尔河与旧市政厅遥相对望,耶稣教堂内的圣坛由红色的大理石装饰,它是瑞士第一座大型的巴洛克式宗教建筑,教堂外有醒目并及具有代表性的二个拱顶装饰,这是18世纪中叶改建完成的。 Standing on the bridge, the famous Church of Jesus looks across the Royle River from the Old City Hall. The altar in the Church of Jesus is decorated with red marble. It is the first large-scale Baroque religious building in Switzerland. Outside the church, there are striking and representative two vaults, which were rebuilt in the mid-18th century.。 琉森古城中异彩纷呈的童话风、现代派、抽象体不一而足。 The colorful fairy tale style, modernism and abstraction in the ancient city of Ryusen are not enough. 琉森火车站位于湖光山色之中,在清澈静逸的湖水里,成群天鹅在嬉水欢歌。 Lyusen Railway Station is located in the lake scenery, in the clear and quiet lake water, swans are playing and singing in groups. 琉森由于风景优美,充满着诗情画意。当年的英国维多利亚女王很喜欢这地方、她经常带数百名随从骑马来到琉森,并登上了皮拉图斯山.她在日记里写道:“这是我最愉快的一天”。 Ryusen is full of poetry and painting because of its beautiful scenery. Queen Victoria loved the place very much. She often rode hundreds of followers to Liuson and climbed Mount Pilatus. She wrote in her diary, "This is my happiest day." 文化名城,湖光山色。这里,曾唤起艺术家们不尽灵感。这里也成为了欧美文人和影星们喜欢游览和生活的地方。音乐大师贝多芬的《月光曲》第一乐章响起,“如同在瑞士琉森月光闪烁的湖面上,摇荡的船儿一样”。剑桥大学终身研究员、诗人、哲学家尼采;法国批判现实主义作家,名著《红与黑》作者司汤达;美国著名小说家马克.吐温;法国浪漫主义作家、人道主义的文豪雨果等都曾经来到此地。 The Cultural city,its lake and mountain scenery. Here, artists have been inspired. It has also become a popular place for European and American literati and movie stars to visit and live. The first movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Music" sounds, "like a rocking boat on the moonlit lake of Ryusen, Switzerland". Nietzsche, a lifelong researcher, poet and philosopher at Cambridge University, Stendhal, a French critical realist writer and author of Red and Black, Mark Twain, a famous American novelist, and Hugo, a French Romantic writer and Literary giant, have all been here. 特别是雨果,曾经多次带着他的学生和情人来到琉森这片优美如画风景地,感受浪漫气息。面对琉森美丽的风景,雨果赞美地说:琉森幽雅、静谧,碧水轻轻地拍着河岸,柔水在我的脚下流淌……;法国戏剧家、小说家大仲马来到琉森后说:“琉森是世界最美的蚌壳中的明珠”。 Hugo, he had brought his students and lovers to Ryusen for many times and had experienced the romantic atmosphere in this picturesque landscape. Facing the beautiful scenery of Ryusen, Hugo praised and said: Ryusen is elegant and quiet, the clear water gently pats the river bank, and the soft water flows under my feet... Dumas, a French dramatist and novelist, he had been came to Ryusen and said, "Ryusen is the Pearl in the world's most beautiful clamshell". 《安娜•卡列尼娜》和《复活》等名著的作者,俄国大文豪列夫•托尔斯泰于1857年在西欧游历期间来到琉森,通过实地感受后写了一短篇小说《琉森》。说的是一八五七年一月,俄国大文豪列夫.托尔斯泰第一次出国,周游西欧列国。一天,他来到景色如画的避暑胜地──琉森小镇。傍晚时分,他散步回到旅馆,看见一位流浪歌手在豪华的饭店门口歌唱,他每唱完一曲,便摘下头上所戴的礼帽,伸向四周的听众。可是,听众们谁也不肯布施,乞丐歌手只得叹口气,垂头丧气地悄然离去。富有同情心的托尔斯泰见了,马上加快脚步追上了那个流浪音乐家,并诚恳地与他交谈起来,当知道歌手十分肌饿时,托尔斯泰就请歌手一起去吃饭。歌手感动得不知所措。然当托尔斯泰和乞丐歌手一起进入一家餐馆的时候,餐厅里的绅士淑女们居然像触电似地一齐站了起来,纷纷拿起衣帽,鱼贯而出,他们以贵人自居,不愿意和下等人乞丐坐在同一屋子里进餐,选择离开是他们无声的抗议。大文豪见了,竭力压制心中的愤慨,依旧和流浪歌手有说有笑、愉快地一起交谈,吃完了那顿意义非凡的晚餐。 The author of Anna Karenina and Resurrection, Russian great writer Haulev Tolstoy had came to Ryusen in 1857 ,during his travels in Western Europe and wrote a short novel Ryusen through on-the-spot experience. In January 1857, the Russian great writer Haulev Tolstoy had went abroad for the first time and traveled around the Western European countries. One day, he had came to the picturesque summer resort town of Ryusen. In the evening, he had walked back to the hotel and saw a tramp singer singing at the entrance of a luxurious hotel. Every time he had finished singing, he had took off his hat and extended it to the audience around him. However, no one in the audience would give anything, so the beggar singer had to sigh and leave quietly with dejection. When Tolstoy saw him, he quickly caught up with the wandering musician and talked to him sincerely. When he knew that the singer was very hungry, Tolstoy invited the singer to dinner. The singer was overwhelmed. However, when Tolstoy and the beggar singer entered a restaurant together, the gentlemen and ladies in the restaurant stood up together like electric shocks, took up their clothes and hats one after another, and went out in succession. They lived in dignity, unwilling to sit in the same room with the beggar of the lower class and chose to leave as their silent protest. When Dawenhao saw this, he tried to suppress his indignation. He still talked happily with the travelling singers and finished the meaningful dinner. 托尔斯泰虽然受到了一场侮辱和难堪,但他却从风景美丽的地方看到了人心的丑恶,托尔斯泰非常震惊,他因此获得了写作的灵感。后来,他根据所见所闻,写下了他不朽的传世短篇小说《琉森》。这是大文豪尊重生命,同情并关爱弱者的一个故事,成为了一部很受欢迎的文学作品。 Tolstoy was humiliated and embarrassed, but he saw the ugliness of people's hearts from the beautiful scenery. Tolstoy was shocked, so he got the inspiration of writing. Later, based on what he saw and heard, he wrote his immortal handed down short story "Ryusen". This is a story of great literary heroes respecting life, sympathizing with and caring for the weak, and it has become a very popular literary work. 除了作家,来到琉森和爱上琉森的还有音乐家。俄罗斯二十世纪世界重要的古典音乐作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家拉赫玛尼诺夫。他于1931年在琉森湖边的小镇居住,并且编写了以钢琴及交响乐演奏的《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》。 Besides writers, there are musicians who come to Ryusen and fall in love with Ryusen. Rachmaninov, an important Russian classical music composer, pianist and conductor in the 20th century. He had lived in a small town near Lake Ryusen in 1931 and wrote Rhapsody on the theme of Paganini, played on the piano and symphony. 西班牙画家、雕塑家毕加索晚年也曾居住在琉森好友的家中。时年,他创作了许多作品,全部赠送给了好友的女儿。这个女儿长大后,将自己收藏的名画公诸于世。在她亲自拟定的罗森加特博物馆展出。 Picasso, a Spanish painter and sculptor, also had lived in the home of a good friend of Ryusen in his later years. In those days, he had created many works, all of which were presented to his friend's daughter. When the daughter grew up, she made public her collection of famous paintings. Exhibited at the Rosengart Museum, which she personally developed. 孩提受家庭氛围熏陶影响,我酷爱各种欧洲语言和人文历史。喜欢中国和欧洲的历史文化,读世界名著,废寝忘食。追崇萨克斯风欧美轻音乐如醉如痴。我漫步在上千年的卢塞恩的琉森古老街道上,有一种时光倒流的感觉。红与黑,巴黎圣母院,复活和安娜卡列尼娜仿佛又浮现眼前。是不容错过的文化盛宴。 Being influenced by the family atmosphere in my childhood, I loved all kinds of European languages and human history. I like the history and culture of China and Europe, reading world famous works and forgeting to eat and sleep. Pursuing high esteem for the saxophone music of Europe and the United States. I is fascinated it. I wandered through the ancient streets of Ryusen in Lucerne,it is for thousands of years, feeling that time was going backwards. Red and black, Notre Dame de Paris, the Resurrection and Anna Karenina seem to be reappearing. It is a cultural feast that should not be missed. |