墨尔本记忆 The Days Working in Melbourne发表时间:2020-04-23 14:38 墨尔本记忆 The Days Working in Melbourne 我常想,墨尔本还可以再乡村一点,再悠然自得一点,再矜持得久一点。 I often think that Melbourne can be a little more rural, a little more leisurely, a little more reserved. 墨尔本维多利亚州巴拉瑞特的疏芬山金矿博物馆。一百多年前,这里吸引着很多来自世界各地的人,其中也包括中国人,当时他们都为淘金而来。2018年是中国人来到澳大利亚二百周年。清朝统治后期国力每况愈下,不少中国人到国外谋生。1851年澳大利亚发现金矿的消息轰动世界,巴拉瑞特被称为“新金山”。不少中国劳工也跟随着当时的淘金潮来到巴拉瑞特。 Shufen Mountain Gold Museum in Ballarat, Victoria, Melbourne. More than 100 years ago, it had attracted a lot of people from all over the world, including the Chinese, who came for gold. 2018 marks the bicentenary of the arrival of the Chinese in Australia. In the late Qing Dynasty, the country's strength was deteriorating, and many Chinese had went abroad to make a living. In 1851, the discovery of gold deposits in Australia made a sensation in the world, and Barrett was called the "new Golden Mountain". Many Chinese workers also came to barrarat with the gold rush at that time. 仅仅在巴拉瑞特,像疏芬山这样的金矿就有大约200个,最多的时候矿工人数达到四万,其中有1/4来自中国。疏芬山金矿博物馆复原了当年中国矿工居住的一片帐篷营地。每一顶小帐篷里有两张床,狭小的空间供两人居住,里面有简单的生活必需品——饭碗、煤油灯等,还有矿工供奉了家里的先人牌位。当时大部分中国矿工来自广东,他们的居住地附近还有一座关帝庙。 In barrarat alone, there are about 200 gold mines like Shufen mountain, with the largest number of miners reaching 40000, one fourth of which are from China. Shufen Mountain Gold Mine Museum restored a tent camp where Chinese miners lived. There are two beds in each small tent. There is a narrow space for two people to live in. There are simple necessities - rice bowls, kerosene lamps and so on. There are also miners who offer the family's memorial tablet. At that time, most of the Chinese miners came from Guangdong, and there was a temple of Guandi near where they lived. 一百八十多年前(1836年),墨尔本的人口只有一百七十七(177)人,直到人们在墨尔本附近的疏芬山发现了金矿,似乎是一夜之间,全世界有梦想的人都涌来这里。到1851年,人口是29000人,到1854年,已经达到123000人。从欧洲、美洲和亚洲涌来大批淘金者,其中还有从中国的广东和福建等沿海地区来的四万多名华工。疏芬山金矿的发现开采以及财富的迅速积累,这些为澳大利亚的独立奠定了坚实的基础…… More than 180 years ago (1836), the population of Melbourne was only 177. Until the discovery of the gold mine in Shufen mountain near Melbourne, it seemed that overnight, people with dreams from all over the world came here. By 1851, the population was 29000, and by 1854, it had reached 123000. A large number of gold prospectors came from the Europe, America and Asia, including more than 40000 Chinese laborers from the coastal areas such as Guangdong and Fujian in China. The discovery and mining of shufenshan gold mine and the rapid accumulation of wealth laid a solid foundation for Australia's independence. 身临其境,犹如时光倒流。栩栩如生地描绘了当年探矿者在金矿工作和生活的情形,再现淘金热时代的景象。 To be present is like a reversal of time. It vividly depicts the working and living conditions of the prospectors in the gold mine, and the reappears the scene of the gold rush era. 由于疏芬山金矿的发现、开发与以及财富的迅速积累。1931年,英国议会通过法案,使澳大利亚获得内政外交独立自主权,成为英联邦中的一个独立国家。 Duing to the discovery, the development and rapid accumulation of the wealth of Shufenshan Gold Mine. In 1931, the British Parliament passed a bill, enabling Australia to obtain independent domestic and the foreign autonomy and becoming an independent country in the Commonwealth. 澳大利亚是太平洋中的一个岛国,人口只占中国的1/50,而国土面积却有中国的4/5大,在全球排第六位,比整个西欧还大得多。不仅如此,这块土地还十分肥沃,物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农产品出口国,多种矿产出口量在全球占领先地位。不仅是地上地下的矿产,更有特色的是适应动植物的生存。它冠有袋鼠王国、鸵鸟,考拉和鸟类的天堂之美誉。 Australia is an island country in the Pacific Ocean, with a population of only 1 / 50 of China's, while its land area is 4 / 5 of China's, ranking sixth in the world, much larger than the whole of the Western Europe. Not only that, this land is also very fertile and the rich in products. It is the most developed country in the southern hemisphere, the fourth largest exporter of the agricultural products in the world, and the export volume of the various minerals takes the leading position in the world. It is not only the mineral resources on the ground and the underground, but also the survival of the animals and the plants. It has the reputation of the kangaroo Kingdom, ostrich, koala and bird paradise. 澳大利亚是美丽的,而澳大利亚最美丽的地方要数墨尔本。墨尔本位于澳大利亚的东南部,是澳大利亚第二大城市,是维多利亚州(Victoria)的首府,总面积8831平方公里,一个美丽的港口城市,有“花园之州”的美誉,也是澳大利亚的工业重镇。是世界上最适宜人类居住的城市之一。她以浓厚的文化气息、绿化、时装、美食、娱乐及体育活动而著称,森林绿化覆盖率高达40%,维多利亚式的建筑物、有轨电车、歌剧院、画廊、博物馆以及绿树成荫的花园、街道构成了墨尔本市典雅的风格。她坐拥着宁静的亚拉河,宛如一位头戴多顶皇冠的婀娜贵妇,使这个魅力四射的都市颇具八面玲珑的气质。皇家植物园、皇家展览馆、菲利浦岛、费兹洛公园等著名景点,处处充满人性化的宜居措施,以及人与自然和谐共处的悠闲画面。 Australia is beautiful, and Melbourne is the most beautiful place in Australia. Melbourne, being located in the southeast of Australia, is the second largest city in Australia. It is the capital of Victoria, with a total area of 8831 square kilometers. It is a beautiful port city, being known as the "Garden State" and also an important industrial town in Australia. It is one of the most livable cities in the world. She is famous for her strong cultural atmosphere, greening, fashion, food, entertainment and sports activities. The forest greening coverage rate is as high as 40%. Victorian buildings, trams, opera houses, galleries, museums and the tree lined gardens and streets constitute the elegant style of Melbourne. Sitting on the quiet Yala River, she is like a graceful lady with the multiple crowns, which makes this charming city full of exquisite temperament. Famous scenic spots such as Royal Botanical Garden, Royal exhibition hall, Phillip Island and Fitzrow park are full of humanized livable measures and leisurely pictures of harmonious coexistence between the human and the nature. 从适合人类居住方面来说,墨尔本又是澳洲最好的地方,她成功地融合人文与自然,从1990至2006年,先后十次被国际人口行动组织(PopulationActionInternational)评选为“世界上最适合人类居住的城市”。最近七年,连续稳居世界“宜居城市”榜首,宜居评分是五颗星。是专家们对这个城市给予了充分肯定。 In terms of human habitability, Melbourne is also the best place in Australia. From 1990 to 2006, it was selected as "the most suitable city for the human habitation" by the International Population Action International ten times. In the past seven years, it has ranked first in the world in terms of livable cities, with a livable score of five stars. It was the experts who gave full affirmation to the city. 从八十八层尤利卡大厦顶层眺望墨尔本市。墨尔本的自然环境令人称道,地面植被茂密,空气清新。天,蓝得出奇;云,白得纯净;物,清晰得一尘不染;路,星罗棋布,令人惊叹它的干干净净。车子从身边经过,不但感觉不到尾气,更感觉不到尘埃。 From the top floor of Eureka Tower on the eighty eight floor, you can see Melbourne. Melbourne's natural environment is praised for its lush vegetation and fresh air. The sky is strangely blue, the clouds are pure white, the objects are spotless, and the roads are everywhere, which is amazing. When the car passes by, not only can't feel the exhaust gas, but also can't feel the dust. 墨尔本的美,是人文与自然的巧妙结合。漫步街头,是在林荫下穿行,眼前看到的风景,是一屋一景,一树一景,一花一景,一鸟一景,一地一景。那些花草树木与建筑物的结合是那么自然与和谐。 The beauty of Melbourne is the ingenious combination of the humanity and nature. Walking in the street is to walk under the shade of trees. The scenery you see is one house, one tree, one flower, one bird, one place. The combination of flowers, trees and buildings is so natural and harmonious. 因为墨尔本是个多雨的城市,为了宜居,在市区一些繁华商业区的小巷里,政府借助两边的商铺,为行人搭建了玻璃遮雨棚。这样一来,既能挡风避雨,又能让市民悠闲地购物。而在一些城市道路的人行道上,也搭建了大量的长廊。下雨之时,可供没有雨具的行人躲避。时逢节日,长廊就变成了临时性的卖场,市民便可在这里购买小商品。Because Melbourne is a rainy city, in order to be livable, the government has built a glass canopy for the pedestrians in the alleys of some downtown commercial areas with the help of shops on both sides. In this way, it can not only keep out the wind and rain, but also let the public shop leisurely. On the sidewalks of some urban roads, a large number of long corridors have been built. When it rains, it can be used for pedestrians without the rain gear to avoid. During the festival, the promenade becomes a temporary market where people can buy small commodities. 墨尔本是一座具有深厚文化底蕴的城市。在澳大利亚人民的心目中,第一大城市悉尼虽然繁华,但悉尼只是一个商业城市。墨尔本虽然在人口数量上排第二,却是一座历史文化名城。它拥有全澳大利亚唯一的被列入联合国“世界文化遗产”的古建筑,有辉煌的人文历史,也是著名国际体育盛事的常年举办城市。从文化艺术层面的多元性,到大自然风光之美,墨尔本应有尽有。Melbourne is a city with the profound cultural heritage. In the eyes of the Australian people, although Sydney, the largest city, is prosperous, it is only a commercial city. Although Melbourne ranks second in population, it is a famous historical and the cultural city. It has the only ancient building in Australia that has been listed in the "world cultural heritage" of the United Nations. It has a splendid human history and is also the perennial host city of the famous international sports events. From the diversity of the culture and the art to the beauty of the natural scenery, Melbourne has everything. 墨尔本拥有世界上最文明和最适合人类生存的一切条件。只要接近她,那四处弥漫的艺术气息就会扑面而来。她的新老建筑有机并存,交相辉映,典雅的街道干净整齐,公园和花园茂密葱盛,人民安居乐业,一流的公共交通体系和无以数计的体育文化文娱活动,使这里充满了和谐与活力。Melbourne has all the conditions that are the most civilized and suitable for the human survival in the world. As long as you get close to her, the artistic atmosphere will be everywhere. Her new and old buildings coexist organically. The elegant streets are clean and tidy. The parks and gardens are luxuriant. The people live and work in peace and contentment. The first-class public transportation system and the countless sports,the culture and entertainment activities make it full of harmony and vitality. 墨尔本的居住建筑风格极具特色。美式的、法式的、加拿大式的、西班牙式的、阿联酋式的、意大利式的,亚太式的、西欧式的,几乎囊括了世界各国所有豪宅风格。数不清墨尔本有多少栋别墅,领略了别墅独特风貌。墨尔本的别墅,每一栋别墅都有其独立存在形式,真的是“风景这边独好”!墨尔本的别墅建筑,不是以“巨人”的形象来展示自己,而是以自身独特的魅力与美感征服人的心情与眼睛。它给人的新奇感、舒畅感,令人惊讶,令人赞叹。墨尔本的所有别墅、所有建筑都没有防盗网,这是整个澳大利亚的房屋建筑的共性。反映了澳大利亚人的文明程度。 Melbourne's residential architectural style is very unique. American style, French style, Canadian style, Spanish style, UAE style, Italian style, Asia Pacific style, Western European style, almost all the luxury houses in the world. There are countless villas in Melbourne, enjoying the unique features of the villas. Melbourne's villas, each villa has its own form of existence, is really "the scenery here is unique"! Melbourne's villa architecture is not to show itself as a giant, but to conquer people's mood and eyes with its unique charm and beauty. It gives people a sense of novelty, comfort, surprising, amazing. All the villas and buildings in Melbourne have no anti-theft net, which is the common feature of all the houses in Australia. It reflects the level of Australian civilization. 墨尔本的宜居,不仅体现在人文关怀上,就连宠物也是一样。在敞开式的公园里,大人孩子争相为鸽子和海鸥喂食。一边是草地上人们在嬉笑玩乐,另一边则是广场上鸽子和海鸥争相取食,充分体现了人与动物的和谐共处。墨尔本的街头有很多小店免费为小动物提供饮水。店主在店门口放一个狗、猫的模型,前面放一个水盆,供随主人出来溜达的宠物饮用。 Melbourne's livability is not only reflected in the human care, but also in pets. In the open park, adults and children compete to feed pigeons and seagulls. On the one hand, people are playing in the grass, on the other hand, pigeons and seagulls are competing for food in the square, which the fully embodies the harmonious coexistence of people and animals. There are many shops on the streets of Melbourne that provide free water for small animals. The shopkeeper puts a model of dog and cat at the door of the shop, and a water basin in front of it for the pets who walk out with the owner to drink. 我们到外面散步,穿过十字路口或T形路口,只要有指示灯标示,从未见到过撞红灯的人,因为他们都自觉遵守交通规则。他们将遵守交通规则当作一种自觉,一种荣耀。We go for a walk outside and cross the intersection or T-junction. As long as there are signs, we never see people who run into red lights, because they all consciously abide by the traffic rules. They regard obeying traffic rules as a kind of self-consciousness and glory. 墨尔本的士司机的开车,若是在行车过程见到了路边有行人,总是在距离行人还有百米远的地方就减慢了车速,开车者会小心翼翼地看着路人是否有要横过马路的意向。若有,他们就会马上停下车来,礼让行人先过马路。不仅对于人,对待动物也是如此,我们时常看到马路边上有画着袋鼠或鸟的标牌,提示开车者注意飞禽走兽横过马路。墨尔本的街头,绿树成荫,鸟语花香。公路两侧没有各类杆线,政府部门将路灯、交通信号灯、电子警察、交通监控以及指路标牌安装在一个灯杆上,避免了路口各类杆线林立混杂的现象。在城市道路三维空间中,通行者不存在视觉污染。开车和行走在这样优美的环境中,心情十分愉悦。 If a taxi driver in Melbourne sees a pedestrian on the side of the road during driving, he always slows down a hundred meters away from the pedestrian. The driver will carefully watch whether the pedestrian wants to cross the road. If they do, they will stop at once and let pedestrians cross the road first. Not only for people, but also for the animals. We often see signs painted with the kangaroos or the birds on the side of the road to remind drivers to pay attention to the animals and birds crossing the road. Melbourne's streets are full of trees and flowers. There are no pole lines on both sides of the road. The government departments have been installed the street lights, traffic signal lights, electronic police, traffic monitoring and guide signs on one pole to avoid the phenomenon of the mixed pole lines at the intersection. In the three-dimensional space of urban road, there is no visual pollution for passers-by. Driving and walking in such a beautiful environment, the mood is very happy. 街头巷尾、十字路口,都见不到一个警察,甚至在警察局的门口也见不到警察与警车。只是在夜幕降临之下,才会看到有警察在查询那些寄宿街头的流浪者身份。There is not a policeman in the street or at the crossroads. There is not even a policeman or a police car in front of the police station. It's only when night falls that we can see that there are policemen searching for the identity of those homeless people who live on the streets. 墨尔本的人文环境表现在各个方面。墨尔本人和蔼友善,待人热情诚恳。当你漫步街头路口,遇到陌生人,他们都会带着微笑看着你。你若回应一个笑脸,他们就会主动来一句“hello”,或者“Nice to meet you”,尽管他们能否知道你是否懂英文。 Melbourne's human environment is reflected in various aspects. Moore himself is kind and friendly, warm and sincere. When you walk on the street and meet strangers, they will all look at you with a smile. If you respond to a smiley face, they will take the initiative to say "hello", or "nice to meet you", although they can know whether you know English or not. 墨尔本人的思维方式,除了自觉遵守交通规则,将文明行为是一种荣耀外,若发现邻里乡亲有不文明的行为或现象,他们会主动报警,邻里的衣物晾晒到了不该晾晒的地方,影响了邻居的视觉感官,他们会报警;有人有意无意地破坏了花草树木,他们同样会报警。还有,每栋别墅里,除了设计和装饰彰显个性外,有一样东西倒是必须都要具备的,那就是检测家中污染空气的油盐分子或尘埃浓度的报警器。因为有了这种习俗与必备装置,便从源头上清除了不雅观不文明的现象和行为,也从根本上保护着高质量的空气不受人为污染。 Melbourne people's way of thinking, in addition to consciously abide by the traffic rules and regard civilized behavior as a kind of honor, if they find that the neighborhood villagers have uncivilized behavior or phenomenon, they will take the initiative to call the police, and the neighborhood clothes will be aired to the place that should not be aired, which affects the visual sense of the neighborhood, they will call the police; someone intentionally or unintentionally damages the flowers, plants and trees, they will also call the police. In addition, in every villa, in addition to the design and decoration to show personality, there is one thing that must be possessed, that is, an alarm to detect the concentration of oil salt molecules or dust in the polluted air in the home. Because of this custom and necessary devices, we have eliminated the unsightly and uncivilized phenomena and behaviors from the source, and fundamentally protected the high-quality air from human pollution. 澳洲人要开发一处新居地,是国家先有规划和计划,先将公共设施的设计建设好了,再鼓励人们到这个地方有序地建住房,而且在建设过程中,对影响空气质量的建设行为也控制得非常严格,监管十分有力。因而不存在“惊尘蔽天,足音鸣雷”的现象,也不存在“天晴满脸灰,下雨一身泥”的状况,一切行为都以“环保”为重。 To develop a new residential area for Australians, the state first has plans and first designs and builds public facilities, and then encourages people to build houses in an orderly manner in this place. In the process of the construction, the construction behaviors affecting air quality are also strictly controlled and supervised. Therefore, there is no phenomenon of "startling the dust to cover the sky and thunder to the sound of feet", nor the situation of "the sky is clear, the face is gray and the rain is muddy". All behaviors are based on "environmental protection". 在墨尔本的一些广场上,经常会有民间组织进行歌舞表演,也经常有街头艺人卖艺。为了方便市民观看,政府部门有计划地在广场上设置了台阶,让市民坐天然座椅,同时,也可供游客休憩。在河水清澈、景色宜人的河岸边,政府部门还安装了透明电梯,方便行动不便的老年人和残疾人到岸边观光。此外,还在河边设置了大量的桌椅。但它们的功能却不一般,因为桌子其实就是一个烧烤台,而煤气也是免费提供的。市民除了可以在此休息、看书外,还可以自己动手做烧烤。不过,使用完之后需要将卫生打扫干净清洁。 In some squares in Melbourne, there are the folk organizations performing songs and dances, and there are street artists performing. In order to the facilitate public viewing, the government has set up steps on the square in a planned way, so that the public can take natural seats, and at the same time, the tourists can also have a rest. On the Bank of the river, where the water is clear and the scenery is pleasant, government departments have also installed transparent elevators to facilitate the elderly and disabled people who are inconvenient to travel to the bank for sightseeing. In addition, a large number of the tables and chairs have been set up along the river. But their function is different, because the table is actually a barbecue table, and the gas is also free. In addition to resting and reading here, citizens can also make barbecue by themselves. However, you need to clean up after use. 邻近墨尔本的菲利普岛是以神仙小企鹅闻名于世的度假胜地。在岛西南面的萨摩兰海滩(Summerland Beach),栖息着许多世界上最小的、身高大约30厘米的神仙小企鹅,故当地人亦称之为“企鹅岛”。世界各地许多人慕名来到菲利普岛自然公园的观景台和观察道上欣赏企鹅归巢,但是为了保护企鹅的栖息习惯,每年只能有50万人能前来观看。 Phillip Island, near Melbourne, is a world-famous resort for its fairy penguins. At the Summerland beach in the southwest of the island, many of the world's smallest little penguins, about 30 cm tall, are inhabited. Therefore, the local people also call it "geese island". Many people from all over the world come to the observation platform and observation road of Phillip Island Natural Park to enjoy the return of penguins, but in order to protect their habitat habits, only 500000 people can come to watch every year. 企鹅岛自然生态保护区(Penguin Parade)是目前世界上最大的野生企鹅保护基地。在这里有大批的野生动物专家从事企鹅的研究和保护工作,栖息在菲利普岛有超过3万多只的企鹅。但是由于人类活动的不断加剧,改变了野生企鹅的自然生态环境,使企鹅有逐年减少的趋势。 The penguin paradise is the largest wild Penguin conservation base in the world. There are a large number of wildlife experts working on penguin research and protection. There are more than 30000 penguins living in Philippe island. However, due to the aggravation of human activities, the natural ecological environment of wild penguins has been changed, and penguins have a decreasing trend year by year. 每当太阳下山,夜幕降临,一批又一批的小企鹅结队上岸,一摇一摆地返回自己的巢穴,样子非常可爱。早在千年之前,菲利普岛的夏之地(Summerland Peninsula)就已经是小企鹅的家了, 他们在沙丘中筑巢,每天早出晚归,即使伸手不见五指,千年以来他们总是循着固定的路线回到自己的洞穴。企鹅晚上回来是因为怕人为光源刺激眼睛,所以小岛这个时候实行灯光管制,沿海边只设几盏瓦数极小的白炽灯,一千多米的海边只有几盏仅能照见岸边的小灯泡。(注:由于企鹅非常胆小,“归巢”又处在傍晚时分,为了避免企鹅们受到惊吓,所有游客一律禁止拍照和摄像。) When the sun goes down and night falls,the groups of little penguins come ashore in the groups and return to their nests,be looking very lovely. As early as a thousand years ago, Summerland peninsula on Phillip Island was the home of little penguins. They built nests in the sand dunes, went out early and came back late every day. Even though they couldn't reach their fingers, they always followed a fixed route back to their caves for thousands of years. Penguins come back at night because they are afraid of people's light source to stimulate their eyes, so the island implements light control at this time. There are only a few incandescent lights with very small wattage on the coast, and only a few small lights can be seen on the shore at a distance of more than 1000 meters. (Note: because penguins are very timid, "homing" is in the evening. In order to avoid penguins being frightened, all tourists are forbidden to take photos and take pictures.)
它们在岛上的泥土中有深深的洞穴,企鹅一家住在深深的洞穴中。白天,成年企鹅离开小岛,游到离岸一、二百公里的深海觅食 ,大约四、五天后才能返回。那时它们吃得饱饱的,还能给窝内的小企鹅带来充足的食物,但不知道是什么原因,不管何时出海的企鹅,返回到小岛的时间却象人为计时一样准确无误,总是在天黑透以后,没有一丝光亮的时候才登岛。我深被企鹅团队的凝聚力所感动。日后,我在中国高校的商务英语课堂教学中,将企鹅精神融入团队凝聚力。 They have deep caves in the soil of the island. The penguins live in deep caves. During the day, adult penguins leave the island, be swimming to the deep sea for food about one or two hundred kilometers away from the shore, and can only return after about four or five days. At that time, they had enough to eat and brought enough food to the little penguins in their nests. However, I don't know what the reason is. No matter when the penguins go to the sea, the time when they return to the island is as accurate as the human time. They always go to the island after dark, when there is no light. I was deeply moved by the cohesion of the penguin team. Later, I will integrate Penguin spirit into team cohesion in Business English classroom teaching in Chinese universities. 菲利普岛不仅有可爱的小企鹅,还有澳大利亚特有的考拉,主要集中在岛东面的考拉保育中心(Koala Conservation Centre),这里的考拉是纯粹的野生动物。这里的考拉保育中心不但有内容丰富的教学讲解中心,而且设有木板道,可以探看这些毛茸茸的有袋类动物建在树顶的家。在近距离观望区,与自然栖息地中的考拉“面对面”接触。 Philip Island not only has cute penguins, but also unique koala in Australia, which is mainly concentrated in the koala conservation center in the east of the island. Koala here is a pure wild animal. The koala conservation center here not only has a rich teaching and explanation center, but also has a boardwalk to visit the home of these furry marsupials built on the top of the tree. In the close-up viewing area, "face to face" contact with koala in the natural habitat. 澳洲人,特别是墨尔本人,他们的一切行为都在自觉地维护着他们生活的这块净土,美化着自己的家园。积极生活、热情待人、乐观自由、崇尚生命,是墨尔本人高度文明的精髓所在。其中所蕴含着的许多精华,值得我们认真思考与学习。All the actions of Australians, especially Melbourne people, are consciously maintaining the pure land of their lives and beautifying their homes. The essence of Moore's high civilization lies in his active life, enthusiasm, optimism and freedom, and advocating life. Many of the essences contained here deserve our careful consideration and study. 墨尔本,旧的东西在崩塌,新的在滋长。在这时代的洪流中,且让墨尔本的浪漫与自在,再流淌多些时光。这是一曲孤独者的颂歌,一方诗意栖居的理想。澳大利亚是外向的,墨尔本是内向的;澳大利亚是蓝色的,墨尔本是绿色的;澳大利亚是粗犷广阔的,墨尔本是精致细腻的;澳大利亚是单纯活泼的,而墨尔本,在她随和的外表下,藏着一个古老而复杂的灵魂。 Melbourne,the old things are collapsing, the new things are growing. In the current of this era, let the romance and freedom of Melbourne flow more time. This is an ode to the lonely, a poetic ideal of living. Australia is extroverted, Melbourne is introverted; Australia is blue, Melbourne is green;Australia is rough and broad, Melbourne is delicate ; Australia is simple and lively, and Melbourne, under her easygoing appearance, has hiden an ancient and complex soul. |